Portfolios provide a visual and audio way to influence someone with your
brand, not just with written text. A good portfolio has samples of your best
work for new customers to review before making a buying decision. Artists
have long used paper portfolios to get into the best schools and to show new
customers their work. Digital portfolios can include anything from
photography snapshots of offline work, music .jpgs, and video content. It
doesn't have to be just about your written work. The more you wow and
dazzle your viewer, the more likely they are to buy from you.
The sample within your portfolio should be used to showcase your brand.
What is your niche and what makes these pieces representative of your
expertise? If you're a musician with a specific style, you might want to
showcase that style to attract more work. If you're a writer with a talent for
specific niches or styles of writing, be sure to include pieces that reflect that
information in your portfolio. When trying to project your brand online, don't
mix it with too many other styles or niches that aren't related to your own
brand. This just dilutes the power of your portfolio and leaves people
confused about who you are and what you are offering. Try to stay within
your niche of expertise and try to send a strong message that you excel in
this area.
You can include your portfolio on freelance sites, like GetAFreelancer.com
and MySpace.com. Some sites do better with different audiences, and it's not
unusual to have one portfolio in one area be different from another portfolio
to cater to different audiences. For instance, MySpace.com caters to a
younger audience, and their style is more bold than professional places like
GetAFreelancer.com. However, this is just the audience that buys music and
loves to experiment with musical styles and videos. You might put music on
here that appeals to this demographic and include different music in a
different portfolio elsewhere. Match the portfolio to the site you're posting
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