Let's start with This unique social networking site is also
referred to as a “microblogging” site. The entire concept revolves around a
status update that you can update all day long, but it's limited to 140
characters each time you update, which are known as “tweets.” Within those
140 characters, you can post links back to other places online using a URL
shortener. In general, it is far easier to gain a massive audience with Twitter
than it is with Facebook. You send out tweets, and people who follow you will
see them. If they “retweet” your message, people on their list will see them,
and you can gain more followers. You can add several hundred followers a
day on Twitter, and many of those will automatically follow you back,
increasing your audience. You can automate tweets to go out all day, even
when you're not online, and you can even send them to Facebook with an
application within called Selective Twitter.
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