
Friday, January 24, 2020


Digital Resumes
Paper resumes are good if you're looking for a job, but they aren't very good 
if you're trying to promote your business online. Putting up a list of your 
accomplishments and some of your past achievements is a good way to let 
people know what circles you travel in and what type of quality they can 
expect from you. Businesses that are in consulting or freelancing can also 
benefit from digital resumes that list their previous projects. You can write up 
several, differently formatted resumes that highlight your strengths and 
promote your past experience. In some cases, you can even add that to your 
business profiles. 
When you're on a job board, you are competing against hundreds, if not 
thousands, of other people who are looking for work during this recession. 
It's a shame, but many human resource people aren't even going to read 
your resume. They might grab a bunch of electronic resumes and stick them 
through a resume reader looking for specific keywords. That's why part of 
branding your resume is to use keywords that will best describe your skills 
and experience, and that might also be searched by offline companies. 
It's important to be as detailed as possible, like including the names of the 
equipment you work with, software programs and versions, or languages 
that you speak or program in. Include keywords for the type of experience 
you have, whether it's technical, management, or retail. It's also important 
to include several different copies of your resume, one in HTML format and 
one in text format, so that they can download the right format and chug it 
through their resume readers.

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